Thursday, 7 January 2021


Genesis 16:11 And the angel also said, "You are now pregnant and will give birth to a son. You are to name him Ishmael (which means 'God hears'), for the Lord has heard your cry of distress.......v.13 Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the Lord who had spoken to her. She said "You are the God who sees me.".... 

Have you ever felt like God's not listening and you've said 'Don't You care, God?'

I think Hagar was probably having one of those times. She had run away in great distress and had cried out. There are times when we find ourselves crying out in distress and when we do we can know that God hears us and that He knows not only the situation but what to do about it. He has the answer before we have the distress.

Hagar went a stage further in her revelation of God hearing her when she realised He could also see her. She suddenly realised He knew where she was, her circumstances, her situation, which seemed so hopeless and dire to her.  Yet in the midst of all that she found out that God had the answer if she would obey his instructions even when she didn't like them! She found out that God cared about her, a lowly servant girl with no rights, no power to put things right, no say in her own future and yet God cared about her and had a plan for her life and her future generations.

Doesn't that fill you with hope today?  Even when we may feel insignificant in the big scheme of things God hears us whether we cry out in distress for ourselves or for others. He knows and sees us and the situations we call out to Him for and we can know He has a plan and a purpose in it all.  

Hagar found out she was not alone, that God heard her cry and saw her.  I think God wants to remind each one of us today, whoever we are and whatever we are praying about, that we also are not alone, that He hears us and He sees us and He has the answer.  

We have a mighty, delivering God!

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