Friday, 22 January 2021


1 Corinthians 16:13  Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.

We each have to stand in faith for ourselves. No one else can do it for us. No one else can put our armour on or lift up the shield of faith for us. That is our responsibility and privilege to do it.

When I overcame my fears the other day and went out in faith, trusting in God,  I came home again with such a sense of victory over the enemy it was great. Faith makes you feel great!

Yesterday we remembered that God gives each one of us the measure of His faith and it's up to each of us whether we use it and exercise it to make it stronger. God will not do it for us. 

Faith is like a muscle, it only gets stronger when we exercise it which is why some are weak in faith and some people seem to have more faith than others.  The difference is because some have used their faith and some haven't.  

So our job is to make our faith grow. Romans 10:17 tells us how to do it. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God

Faith doesn't come by having heard the Word 5 years ago, but by hearing and hearing, present tense in the now.  A lot of people are hearing the voice of the media, and hearing and hearing it all day on tv and that produces fear more often than not. 

What are we hearing and hearing all day? If we really want our faith to grow we'll need to be hearing and hearing the Word of God and then being doers of the Word we're hearing.  Does that make sense to you? Hearing the Word can be reading and learning scripture so we keep 'hearing' it in our minds, or listening to or reading faith filled testimonies, or listening to faith filled messages in church or on cd/mp3 or God anointed programmes or internet. Faith grows by keeping company with faith filled, faith minded people who build us up and challenge us to get stronger; people who believe that with God all things are possible!

Why is faith so important?  Well so far I've found at least 22 reasons in scripture that God gives us so with God's help I hope to look at some of them over the coming days. It's very exciting so I hope you can come on the journey with me as we grow in faith together so we can stand firm and be courageous and strong together, and oh yes, feel great!😁 

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