Tuesday, 26 January 2021


Exodus 4:1 But Moses protested again. "What if they won't believe me or listen to me? What if they say. "The Lord never appeared to you?"

Excuses! God tells Moses He wants him to go back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites but Moses really does not want to go so he finds any number of excuses why he can't do it.

Maybe Moses' history was looming up bigger than his present and his future. He just couldn't see how it could happen. Indeed all he 'saw' was failure and humiliation. He 'saw' himself stuttering, stumbling for words. He 'saw' himself ridiculed as no one would believe God sent him. He 'saw' himself hunted for murdering the Egyptian all those years ago. He remembered his failure. What would people say? He 'saw' the wrong things.


He didn't 'see' the victory that God declared. He didn't 'see' the end result only the past and present defeat. He didn't believe it was possible. He was stuck in a box of his own making. He needed delivering from himself as much as the children of Israel needed delivering from the Egyptians!  Ever been there?

But God wouldn't change His plan. He didn't give up on Moses. Doesn't that encourage you?  God overcame his excuses and instead He gave him someone to help him do the job he was called to do. 

We can all find 20 reasons why God should use someone else; they're more gifted, more talented, more eloquent, more charismatic, cleverer, better looking, younger!

The bottom line is, when God calls us to do something He knows best and maybe our very weaknesses will be the reason He chose us because He knows we'll have to depend on Him and not try to do it in our own ability.

This is a word for someone today.  Is God telling you to do something, speak to someone, go somewhere? 

May I suggest that you dump the excuses, dump the past, dump the failures, dump the 'what if's' and fears and just do it. God knows what He's doing! If He says you can, then you can! End of!  JUST DO IT! 

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