Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.
During lockdown the tendency is to hunker down and just 'get through' it all; to have the mindset that says we can't do anything anyway so why bother?
But what if lockdown is a preparation ground? What if God is trying to get us to listen during the enforced inactivity to show us His plans for after lockdown? What if God is rebirthing something that will take our breath away, personally, locally and nationally? If we're not listening in faith we could miss it and how awful that would be.
What if He is trying to reposition people, with new people coming in and others being commissioned out? What if He asked you to move what would you do? What if He asked you to stay, what would you do? What if someone you think highly of is being called elsewhere, would you bless them and let them go? What if He wants your son or daughter to move away would you try to stop it or give them your blessing to follow God's plans for their lives.
We were faced with that very thing over 18 years ago when our then 18 year old was led to Australia to train at Hillsong Australia. He is still there, serving God and raising a family. Our children are given to us by God to raise in the faith and then if He calls them elsewhere we are to let them go, whether they are young or older. Is it easy? No. It was the hardest thing the Lord has ever asked me to do. Did it cause heartache? In one sense yes it did, but in another it brought joy to know he is fulfilling God's call and purpose in his life. If we truly love our children and others, we will only want the best for them even when it means personal sacrifice, otherwise we have a selfish love, what's best for us not them. When God calls them, our job is to send them out with our blessing.
It works the other way too. Are we willing to leave our parents when we're asked to? Jesus challenged us on that in Matthew 10:37. It's one thing to be obedient, it's another thing to be willing and obedient!
Who am I speaking to today? I have no idea but God is speaking to someone or maybe us all.
God is speaking to each one of us about something, are we willing to obey with a right attitude, to put His Command above our Comfort?
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