Thursday, 21 January 2021


Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, ...?"

When we read scripture we read God's promises, His words to us to be taken personally. All the promises of God are yes and Amen in Jesus Christ.  We nod our heads and say "Yes, Amen", and we're fine until we hear that insidious voice in our heads which says "Has God indeed said....?"

What we reply at that point will determine whether we follow Eve's sad example or whether we stand in faith and say "Yes!  God has said... and I believe it and I'm putting up my shield of faith so get out of here Satan."

Yesterday morning I had a very clear dig in the ribs from the Lord asking me what I thought I was doing hiding away and not doing my own shopping.  Had He not given me Psalm 91 to stand on with all it's amazing promises especially for such a time as this?  

I realised I'd let fear sneak in through various means and it messed up my faith.  Ever had that happen to you?  I had asked my daughter to do my shopping and the Lord said "Why would I protect your daughter and not you?  Why would she be any harder for me to protect than you? Why wont you trust me?"  Ouch!

So once again I got Psalm 91 out, declared it over my life, stood on it in faith and went to do my own shopping, knowing I was covered by His feathers and His wings were over me, that His angels had charge of me and not to be afraid that the pestilence would harm me; that no plague would come near me and no evil would befall me.  I stomped on the lions and cobras, told them to get lost and with renewed confidence went out and did what I needed to do. Yes I followed the government's instructions to the letter but I went out in faith, not in fear.

Now none of the above might be a problem to you but maybe there is another area where the enemy is whispering doubts in your ear. If so, can I encourage you to stomp on some lions and cobras today whatever shape they take for you?

Confession is good for the soul they say, so I hope I've encouraged someone else to stand on the promises of God, to trust Him anew today in whatever way He asks you to.  It gives Him no pleasure to see us hiding away and while we must abide by government instructions  we are not to fear in any way.  HE WILL KEEP YOU SAFE!

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