“Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin.” That phrase started with the BBC radio programme ‘Listen with Mother’ in the 1950s and it ended up in the Oxford Dictionary Of Quotations. It was settling the listeners down and saying in effect “Stop fidgeting and listen.”😊
These verses are like that too when they say listen carefully, but they start with a warning - stay away from idols! You’re probably thinking, “I don't have any idols!”
Idols are anything that will take God’s first place in our lives, anything we give more attention to than Him. It’s saying to us to stay away from activities that comes between you and Him, or to not put other people, or things, in a place of more importance than Him.
For instance, we can get carried away with hobbies, or work, or even church activities, so we forget to spend as much time with God Himself. He does challenge us sometimes as to how we spend our time.😊
He goes on and reminds us that it’s God who answers our prayers and cares for us so I have to ask myself why would I want to make anything else more important than Him anyway?
He’s letting us know He is the source of every good thing in our lives. He gives us the breath we breathe in order to even wake up in the morning, so we’re totally dependent on Him whether we realise or remember it or not, but when we do, it makes us so grateful for every blessing we receive from Him!😊
God wants us to be wise and understand what He’s saying, to listen carefully, because His heart is to bless us. I wonder, are we fidgeting and distracted or are we listening, so we can hear Him today?
Lord help us to be aware of You in the everydayness of our lives, especially leading up to Christmas, and help us give You first place in everything we do. In Jesus name. Amen.
Photo: Nick Fewings on Unsplash
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