Sunday, 3 November 2024


Psalm 70:4 NLT 
But may all who search for you, 
be filled with joy and gladness in you. 
May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout,
 “God is great!”
Another translation says “Let God be magnified.”

Whichever translation we like best the psalmist wants us all to be shouting out how great our God is, and when we think of our salvation, and all He has done for us it won’t be difficult.

We can’t help but love a God who rewards us. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that those who diligently and sincerely seek the Lord and believe He exists will be rewarded. And our verses say we’ll be filled with joy and gladness in Him when we search for Him, even in the every day things that happen. That’s a reward we would all enjoy!😊 

Particularly at this time in the world there are a lot of people who could do with a dose of joy and gladness, so let’s do some seeking, and searching to know God more and more, because the more we do, the more we’ll keep things in perspective rather than letting them overwhelm us. 

It’s good to remind one another that our God is Great, on the days we feel like it, and on the days we don’t! God is great, and worthy of all our praise, worthy of our adulation, worthy of our attention and our deep gratitude whether things look good in our world or not. The circumstances around us don’t change who God is.

So next time you feel down or discouraged, remember how great your God is and start shouting “God is great!”, and let’s choose to feel, think, and act in a way that will make God look as great as He really is.

And while we’re at it, let’s raise a Hallelujah today to the God who spoke worlds into existence and who holds not only our big world, but also our personal worlds, our situations, our families in the palm of His nail pierced hands. And as we do, we can be glad and rejoice in His great love for us, in His forgiveness and His grace and allow His joy and peace to fill us up as we focus on Him and shout “God is great!” In Jesus name. Amen.😊

Photo:Patrick Fore on Unsplash

1 comment:

  1. Bukky Mafikuyomi5 November 2024 at 09:40


    Thank you Jackie, God bless you
