Philippians 3:13-14 NLT …but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.
I read this Winnie The Pooh quote this week, “I always get to where I’m going, by walking away from where I’ve been”. It made me chuckle it’s so obvious, but at the same time there’s some truth in it.πWe know God calls us to think His thoughts which are far higher than our thoughts. In other words if our thoughts agree with His word then we’re in tune with Him, but if we think about things and find we’re miserable then we’re not thinking the way God wants us to, and we need to give them up and walk away from them!
He wants us to understand that our thoughts can hinder us from getting to where He’s wanting to take us, but we can ask Him to help us learn to recognise and walk away from whatever thoughts that are holding us back!
For you, it might be thoughts of unforgiveness, or a regret for something that happened in the past that you’re still rehearsing over and over, even though you know it won’t change a thing! It might be what someone did to you, or it may be an old thought pattern where someone labelled you in a bad way and you’ve carried those unkind words around with you forever. But God wants you to let them go and walk away from them once and for all, because it’s not who God says you are.
Maybe we need to start walking away from the biscuit tin and heading towards a healthier option!π€£
Have you got some ‘places you’ve been’ that you need to start walking away from, so you can start heading towards the new things God has planned for your life, plans to prosper you and not to harm you?
Apostle Paul had the right thinking and attitude, and it would be good for us to ask the Lord to show us if there is anything in our hearts that is holding us back. When we do, then we can grab His hand, press on to reach the end of the race and let Him lead us into wherever or whatever good things that lie ahead. In Jesus name. Amen.
Have a blessed weekend.xπ
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