Ephesians 1:6-7 NLT So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.
Do you ever have days when you feel ‘less than’? The enemy whispers in your ear that you can’t do this or that, you’re not clever enough, not spiritual enough? Those days when you could do with a fresh infusion of faith, fresh dose of the anointing of God, when you wake up and you are so aware of the weaknesses of the flesh and you wonder why God chose you in the first place?😊
When that happens we need to recognise the tactics of the enemy trying to undermine us, but it also helps us realise how totally dependent on God we really are. Acts 17:28 for in Him we live and move and have our being, ….’
He is the source of our supply of whatever it is we need, whether it’s energy, wisdom, inspiration, healing, finances, or a deeper walk with Him.
When things seem to be a struggle, we need to remember how God sees us, not how we feel or how the enemy says we are. God sees us as precious in His sight, redeemed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus. He sees us as holy and righteous, approved, anointed and equipped by the Holy Spirit for whatever He calls us to do.
He reminds us to be strong in the Lord, not in our own strength. He says to call ourselves blessed, highly favoured and like a spring of living water, because what we say about ourselves will affect our behaviour.
When our mouths come into agreement with God’s word we will have what He says, but when we disagree with God’s word and say how we feel, we deny the power of His word in our lives.
So today, regardless of how we feel, let’s hear what God says about us and stand strong in the Lord, equipped and anointed by Him to do whatever He asks, because He will do it through us if we let Him, and He’ll get all the glory.
Thank You Lord for the Holy Spirit and His fresh glorious grace He pours into us each new day. Amen.😊
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash
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