1 Timothy 6:11-12 NLT … Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the true faith.
A lovely friend of mine sent me this photo the other day and made the following comment,So the next time you go to sweep away a spider’s home, just stop for a minute and remember how, even when our lives may seem to be uncertain or sideswiped, our security is in our loving Heavenly Father. He is still holding us safely and firmly in the palm of His hand. His power and His presence haven’t gone anywhere, they haven’t been swept away, we still have them and He will never abandon us.
He’s promised to restore what the enemy has stolen, to give us beauty for ashes, and that joy will come in the morning. In other words, no matter what has happened, even our joy will be restored as He heals and puts back together what has been broken or lost, even if it’s a broken heart. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted.
So if your life is feeling very fragile at this moment in time, take heart because our God is still on the throne and He will take care of us and lift us back up out of any hole we’ve fallen in.
He’s the God of the comeback even when we’ve been set back, and like the spider we shall succeed and overcome as long as we don’t give up and keep moving forward into the victory He has prepared for us. In Jesus name. Amen. 😊
Thank you for these uplifting words. Praise God - ever faithful. X