1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
As we were out walking among all the autumn leaves last week we came across this flurry of frilly toadstools. I’m not sure if you can see them clearly but I couldn’t resist taking a photo as they were so pretty.😊
God has given us such beauty all around us that in the midst of our daily lives with all their ups and downs, it’s easy to miss them. It’s like the moon the other night was full, shining its light along with a myriad stars. They too were worth stopping to enjoy.
So, no matter what’s going on in your life at the minute can I encourage each one of us to stop and appreciate, not only the wonder of nature around us, but also the wonder of how God cares about the little as well as the big things in our lives. He is the God of the insignificant and the God of the momentous moments and all the ordinary ones in between, and it’s good to acknowledge the hand of our God in all of them because He gave us even the toadstools to enjoy. How sad if we waste them by not noticing!
Maybe next time you see a toadstool, remember they are one of 15,000 varieties here in the UK that God has blessed us with; some are frilly for people like me, and some are red and spotty like in all the story books. Whatever sort, if they bring a smile to your face then they’re a blessing, even if some are dangerous to eat!😊
And when you tuck yourself into bed tonight just take a minute and think of anything you took the time out to enjoy and appreciate, and give God praise and thanks for it. Tuck it in your ‘happy memory’ box so you can take it out and enjoy it over and over again whenever you might feel like you need a happy thought. Most of all remember we can put our trust in the living God. Thank You Lord. Amen.
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