Back on the 14th November, you may remember me saying I was trying to design and sew two cushions for a friend who had requested 'bird' cushions. At the time I was unwell, had no inspiration, and had to leave it unfinished till later. Well thankfully I did finish them in time for Christmas.
She was delighted with the end result, even though they took me quite a while to complete and there were many days when they looked a bit of a mess!
In the same way we may look at our lives, or other people's lives, and see them as lacking somehow, or wonder if God can do anything to sort us out, but we are all on the potter's wheel and none of us is a finished work as yet. Take heart, God always finishes what He starts and He wants us to know He is working in our lives all the time and He will bring us to completion in His good time before Jesus returns.
He says we're going from glory to glory which speaks of a wonderful work in progress so let's just enjoy the glory we're in right now knowing whatever God makes, He makes well, and He'll make us glorious too. Thank You Lord You are making us glorious.😊
2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all....are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
Have a 'glorious' weekend everyone.x
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