Monday, 2 January 2023


1 Timothy 6:17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

I love the fact that God not only gives us things to enjoy but He gives us richly! God is not mean or stingy but His heart is always to bless us, to be generous to us so we, in turn, can be generous to others.

God treats each one of us as individuals and gives to us the things to enjoy that He knows we particularly like. He understands us and where we're coming from, when others might not understand. There's nothing we can do or say that He doesn't already know about us, so we need never be hesitant to share anything with Him. If we enjoy it, He'll come along side and enjoy it with us.

Have you ever tried explaining something you like to someone and they roll their eyes as if to say 'Really?' and somehow you felt less than? Well God is not like that. He made us all different for a reason and He placed inside us an appreciation for different things.

I think it blesses God's heart when we appreciate something He's given us, no matter how trivial or big, and thank Him for it, acknowledging it as coming from Him, and whether anybody else likes it or not doesn't really matter does it? It's not meant for them, it's given to you.

The bottom line is God wants us to enjoy the things He has given us with a clear conscience and a glad heart and not feel guilty about them. If He's blessed us then let's really enjoy the blessing whether it's a daisy in the grass, a beautiful sunset, a piece of music, new clothes or a new piece of equipment. 

Let's enjoy what He gives us, not just today, but throughout the coming year. ðŸ˜Š

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