I slept in yesterday by mistake and so was in a bit of a tizzy rushing round making breakfast. I decided to have Golden Sugar Puffs as a treat but caught my dressing gown sleeve in the bowl of dry puffs and they went right up inside the sleeve. I thought I'd removed them but as I walked round the house I was dropping and spreading little pods of sweet Sugar Puffs wherever I went!
It occurred to me how good it would be if I could drop sweetness in a similar way wherever I went, by the things I say and do. Some people we meet seem to leave anything but sweetness behind them and they leave us feeling disgruntled but we can be sweetness spreaders if we make the effort!😊
Our verse tells us that pleasant and sweet words not only bless others but they bless us too, even bringing health to our bones. How good is that! We can speak pleasant words over our own bodies and build our souls up too because pleasant words are healing words.
Now I know it sounds silly but may I encourage us to go out and be Sugar Puff Spreaders today? May we leave people feeling like they've been glad they met us, that the things we've said have been pleasant and have built them up or even brought healing in some way and leave some sweetness behind us wherever we go. 😊
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