Wednesday, 25 January 2023


Ephesians 4:23-24 Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God - truly righteous and holy.

Our verse today tells us to let the Spirit do something. He wants to renew our thoughts and attitudes no matter how long we've had them and we can either resist or co-operate. When we were born again God put us 'in Christ' and He sees us like He sees Jesus but we have to renew our thinking to see ourselves that way because in the natural we may find it hard to believe sometimes.

So I ask myself 'Does God accept Jesus? Yes He does, so He accepts me because He sees me the same way. Is God's favour on Jesus? Absolutely! So His favour is all over me too. Does God see Jesus as totally righteous? Yes He does so He seems me totally righteous too!" We could ask many more similar questions and have the same encouraging answer.

I heard of a lady who read 1 John 4:17 (Nkjv)...because as He (Jesus) is, so are we in this world. She had breast cancer at the time and when she asked herself if Jesus had breast cancer the answer was obviously 'no', so she said to herself "well as Jesus is, so am I. He doesn't have it so I'm not having it either." Over the course of time, taking communion every day, seeing Jesus taking away that cancer on the cross, and exchanging it for health and wholeness, she went back for tests and was found totally cancer free. She 'saw' herself the way Jesus is, healthy and whole. She renewed her thinking. 

That verse says we're the same as Jesus in this world, not in the sweet by and by but we have to renew our thinking. Is Jesus blessed? - so are we. Whatever Jesus is - so are we. I hope that encourages us today and helps us want to co-operate with the Holy Spirit to renew our thinking where needed (mine included!)😊

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