Saturday, 28 January 2023


Hebrews 10:36 Patient endurance is what you need now so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

My friend asked me to make a rag doll for her to give to her friend which I was pleased to do. Everything was going well till it came to making the dress. I caught a piece of cloth in the seam and had to undo it all then resew it. Still not right and had to do it again! Then I sewed the sleeve wrong way round and cut off a piece I should have left on! Things were going wrong but I persevered, tried again, and now it's done and all is well. You can see her now but not realise it involved a lot of struggle!😊

In the same way we sometimes look at other people and think what a perfect life they have, nothing seems to go wrong, lovely home, great kids, etc. but what we haven't seen are the times it went wrong for them too and they had to try again. We weren't there when the mistakes were made, when they cut things off when they should have left them in! We didn't see the heartache or struggle and we forget they had to persevere when they felt like giving up just like all of us.

So can I encourage us all today not to compare ourselves with anyone else because we're all at different stages in our walk of life anyway, but to persevere. Let's lighten up and not be so hard on ourselves or others come to that. 

Let's just keep our eyes on Jesus and walk hand in hand with Him knowing He's in control and He's helping us to be the best we possibly can be because we're His masterpiece. We're accountable only to Him and as we persevere remember we're still a work in progress and He loves us no matter where we're at and He'll reward us as He promised.  Thank You Lord!😊

Have a lovely weekend everyone.x

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