Monday, 8 August 2022


Philippians 3:1 Whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith.

The Holy Spirit was constantly reminding His people to rejoice in the Lord and the reason He gives is to safeguard their faith. He's not saying we’re to rejoice about circumstances but to rejoice in the Lord Himself, so if we want to safeguard our faith we need to listen to His instruction.😊

We may be going through difficult situations which make it feel like it's really hard to rejoice at the minute but we can still rejoice in our Lord Jesus and what He's done for us. If we actively do that we'll be safeguarding our faith from faltering because our focus is not on the here and now but on Who our faith is in.

So what are we to rejoice about? He's forgiven us all our sins, (what peace and joy that brings!). Jesus has given us His own righteousness so we can have a close relationship with His Father (what joy!). We have His grace and mercy available 24/7 and all the promises of God are ours to call on (what hope!). He is committed to looking after us and protecting us, and if we're still struggling we'll find more inspiration in Psalm 91 and Psalm 103 to inspire us to rejoice.

All those things are eternal, they will not change when everything else shakes around us. They are forever truths that belong to us and as we remember to rejoice about them we will safeguard our faith and I just wanted to encourage us all because it's something we can all do as we begin our new week.

Rejoice in the Lord because He loves you. 😊😊

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