Monday, 15 August 2022


Romans 5:1 Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

Ephesians 2:14 For He Himself is our peace... 

God is telling us that even when there is turmoil and trouble in our lives we can still be at peace. As long as we remember that Jesus Himself is our peace and the source of it, and not something we have to conjure up for ourselves, we'll be able to stay in peace because we know Jesus can't be shaken so our peace can't be shaken either.

If you're like me you want to stay 'in peace mode' and Jesus said "in Me you may have peace...."

There is no other place we can be at peace or find peace other than being in Jesus and keeping our eyes firmly on Him and trusting Him with all the affairs of our lives. If we forget we're in the palm of His hand, that He loves us unconditionally, and He only wants what is best for us, then we'll be tempted to step out of His peace and into worry and fear.

Peace is something we're going to have to make a stand for. Scripture says to pursue peace or 'follow' it. We may not realise it, but when we worry we're choosing to 'follow' the worry thought while peace is standing by waiting for us to 'follow' it and allow it into our minds. We're actually choosing to step out of peace as though God can't deal with our problems but we have the Holy Spirit in us to help us stay in peace if we ask Him to.😊

This week let's choose to follow peace, hand all our worries over to God, be thankful, make our requests of Him and let His peace guard our hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:6)

Have a peaceful week.😊

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