Friday, 12 August 2022


1 Corinthians 7:23 God paid a high price for you, so don't be enslaved by the world.

When someone pays a high price for something it means whatever they are buying is of great value and worth to them. In the same way God paid the highest price imaginable in order to ransom us back from the devil and out of his control for ever. 

Scripture tells us the blood of Jesus has redeemed us, we have been delivered from bondage to this world and Satan and now we belong to Almighty God. He valued us so highly and wanted us to be part of His family so much, He was willing to pay the highest price. 

So the next time someone tries to put you down, or make you feel less than, remember the price that God paid for you to be His own precious child, His treasure, one of His chosen ones and shake off the words, the hurts, the offences and let them go. Nothing anyone can do or say can change our worth to God or take us out of our Father's hand because He has redeemed us and covered us by the blood of Jesus our Saviour.

And if we're tempted to want all the things this world tries to tell us we have to have or to be, in order to be acceptable in their eyes, just remember we're no longer under their control, we're no longer a slave to those things because we belong to our loving Heavenly Father and His kingdom now.

He goes on in verses 30-31 to say we can use the things of this world just don't become absorbed or attached to them, for this world as we know it will soon pass away.

Remember the high price God paid for you because He loves you. 😊  Thank You Lord Jesus. 

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