Wednesday, 17 August 2022


Matthew 6:30, 33-34 ...he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith? Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don't worry about tomorrow...... (Nlt)

That phrase 'he will give you everything you need' really stood out for me yesterday. We all have different needs at different times and may be concerned about the increasing bills. But here is Jesus standing in front of us again saying "but don't worry about tomorrow, God will certainly care for you and give you everything you need!"  That is a wonderful promise!

Jesus has total confidence in His Father and His ability to meet whatever need or care we may have, in every area of our lives. He wants each one of us to have that same confidence, to know He is a generous and loving Father to us and He does what He says. He will give us everything we need. He will care for us. He doesn't want us to say "How?", but "Thank you!"

In 2 Kings 6 the city was surrounded by it's enemies, being literally starved to death when four lepers left the city thinking they may as well die in the enemy camp but at least they would have food there! Elisha had said food would be available again by the next day but the commanding officer said "That couldn't happen even if the Lord opened the windows of heaven!". He didn't believe! The four lepers found the enemy camp deserted with all the spoils of food and goods left behind so they returned to tell the city and sure enough the whole city ate next day and were overly provided for, but the commander was trampled to death by the stampede. He didn't believe!

Jesus Himself has told us not to worry about coming days but tells us to believe that God will look after us and provide for us. Don't let's be like the unbelieving commander but believe Jesus. 

Let's believe God will give us whatever we're going to need in every area of our lives and let Him care for us like He wants to.  There is joy and peace in believing.😊

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