Tuesday, 23 August 2022


1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

God is the same God as He's always been. He has always been slow to anger and great in mercy. He's always been generous to us so we have more than enough and Jesus showed us God's heart has always been to heal His children and it still is. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and His examples of how God does things remains the same too.

When the little boy gave the disciples his lunch of five loaves and two fish Jesus didn't look at it and say "Well that's not enough. What do you expect me to do with that?" No He did something very significant. He took what was given to Him, what He had, and He thanked His Father for it, He blessed it, and it multiplied in His hands. The little was multiplied because He was thankful, and He had an attitude of faith.

In the same way He doesn't want us to moan about what's wrong, what we don't have, but to thank Him for what we do have.

Our verse reminds us being thankful is God's will for us, and part of the reason is because it allows God's power to be released into our lives. The next time we have a pain or don't feel well, instead of only focusing on the pain or sickness, let's give God thanks for all the parts of our bodies that are working well and that He's healing the bits that aren't! Thank Him for all the bits that do work, the organs that are functioning properly, the mobility we do have. If you have a sore finger, thank Him for the nine that are not sore! I hope you get the idea.😊

So let's be thankful and let God know we're grateful for all His goodness to us and all He has given us already. I believe that what we are thankful for, God will multiply, whether it's health, finances, whatever, for His glory. Amen.

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