Thursday, 28 October 2021


Mark 5:28 For she kept saying, If I only touch His garments,  I shall be restored to health. (Amp. Bible)

There are three accounts of this story in the gospels and this lady had been suffering with a flow of blood for 12 years. She had been to every doctor she could find and had suffered at their hands with no success to such an extent she was still suffering and getting worse.

She really was an inspiring lady though and I'm looking forward to meeting her in heaven one day because she kept saying 'I shall be restored to health' despite all her disappointments. Did you notice it says she kept saying.  The verb is continuous in that verse apparently. She kept saying 'I shall be restored'.  She said it so much it got down in her spirit and she believed it.

May I ask us all, what do we keep saying?  Is it 'oh I'll never be any better than this, I've tried everything, I've just got to learn to live with it, I keep getting worse'? If so, please let the Holy Spirit inspire you with how this lady dealt with her problem.

She apparently had 'heard' about Jesus and she believed what she heard. (Faith comes by hearing). This lady really caught Jesus' attention so much that she made Him stop in His tracks and turn around. How did she do it? She used the faith she had, she spoke in faith, she kept speaking in faith despite how she felt, and then she acted on her faith - she touched Him because she believed in Him. She kept saying 'I shall be restored, I shall be, ....'That really got Jesus' attention!

Now, my encouragement to us all today, myself included, is to keep saying what lines up with God's Word and His promises over our lives. 1 Peter 2:24 whose stripes you were healed. Keep saying and believing I am being restored to health because by Jesus' stripes I was healed. Don't give up and don't give in. 

Jesus hadn't even been to the cross for this lady at that time but He has now for us, and He tells us He has born all our sickness and diseases Himself on that cross. (Isaiah 53:4-5) Let's touch Him by faith today by believing He's speaking to us personally and keep saying and believing and receiving by faith 'I am being restored because Jesus has already taken all my sickness and disease Himself'. Amen.

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