Monday, 18 October 2021


Deuteronomy 30:19 Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses.  Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

Yesterday we had a birthday buffet tea where everyone could choose what they would like and have as many or as few of anything as they chose. Very yummy!

Life is a bit like that. God says we can choose life or death but advises us to choose life for ourselves and our household. The strange thing is we seem to choose life one day and death the next according to our 'feelings' at the time and our feelings can be a bit rough on us.

When I was very ill several years ago I had a little rhyme on a piece of card which I used to say to myself quite often. I share it with you just in case it might help you too.

Feelings come and feelings go
and feelings are deceiving; 
my warrant is the Word of God, 
nought else is worth believing.

The thing is, feelings can change in a moment. If someone comes and says they've just put £100,000 in your bank account your 'feelings' would probably go 'woohoo' even though the thing that had you defeated two minutes before remained exactly the same. Our feelings are subject to change but the Word of God is not. 

When I listened to my negative feelings I went down a slippery slope and ended up in a heap but when I chose to only listen to the Word then the Lord would keep me on an even keel and kept me in faith believing for my recovery. When we choose to go with the negative stuff we're choosing a form of death, but  when we choose to believe God's Word it brings life.

So next time your feelings want to get the better of you and you're struggling to choose 'life', just remember my little rhyme and ask the Lord to help you to keep believing His Word over what you feel.

Have a blessed week.

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