Wednesday, 13 October 2021


Luke 5:9 For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken;  

Luke 5 v.25 Immediately he (the paralyzed man) rose up before them, took up what he had been lying on, and departed to his own house, glorifying God. v.26 And they were all amazed ...

This chapter is full of strange things happening, first with a supernatural catch of fish which threatened to sink the boat, then a leper being miraculously cleansed, followed by a paralyzed man walking home!

What the people saw and heard that day must have made their minds tilt because they'd never seen anything like it before. When we read the four gospels it turned out that most days with Jesus were like that.

We know Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever which means we should still be expecting Him to do the impossible, supernatural things He did then.  Walking with Jesus should make us astonished and amazed too.

Maybe it's time we really sought the Lord and asked Him to do those kind of things again in our lives. It's time to grow in our expectation and our believing for those wonderful things that might just make our minds tilt a bit as well.

Jesus tells us we will get what we believe for. We are called 'Believers', so my question is, are we actively believing Jesus for something astonishing and amazing in the coming days?  I don't mean vaguely hoping for something, I mean really believing for something specific, based on God's promises. If not, let's ask Him to show us what He wants us to be believing for. Amen.

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