Tuesday, 5 October 2021


Hebrews 4:9 There remains therefore a rest for the people of God.

We all get weary and there are some days when we're a lot wearier than others! Sometimes the cure is to go to bed and sleep or just relax and do our hobbies or whatever.

But what about when we're weary spiritually and we're just worn down by all that's happening around us and we feel discouraged and tired on the inside?  We feel worn out. What do we do then?
We've often been carrying all our cares and the cares of the world on our own shoulders and forgotten to give them all to the only One who can carry them all. We've forgotten to enter into His rest which means we're trusting in the finished work of Jesus and all He's done. We've been thinking it's all up to us but Jesus said to go to Him when we're weary and heavy laden. 

God has a place of rest for each one of us and it's part of our salvation which He wants us to grow into. He doesn't force it on us but He gives us the answer here....

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Are you in a time of need? Then come with confidence to the throne of God's grace (His supernatural favour), and get the mercy and refreshing you need for a tired spirit. Sit at His feet for a little while and rest in Him knowing He's forgiven you, He's got you covered, He's providing all your needs, He loves you and He doesn't want you carrying all those burdens. Take them off and leave them at His feet and let Him deal with them. 

Tired spirits also need feeding so feed on His word, and allow Him to pour His strength and energy back into you and receive it by faith, it's part of your salvation.

God is supernatural and what He gives us is supernatural so He asks us to trust Him today and let go of all the striving and enter God's rest so He can work in our lives. Amen.

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