Saturday, 16 October 2021


Luke 1:47 Mary responded, Oh, how my soul praises the Lord. How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. Nlt.

Have you ever thought 'Jesus is my Saviour, He's taken all my sins away and given me eternal life' but forgotten Jesus is our moment by moment Saviour too. Mary responded to the serious news she'd just had by rejoicing in her saviour. Sometimes we don't always respond quite so well!

We probably all have moments of despair and discouragement but Jesus our Saviour is there with us at that moment.

Remember when we take the word 'despair' and take the 'd' out, if we rearrange the letters they spell 'praise'. Can I encourage us to turn some praise music on when we feel down. All those negative feelings begin with 'd'!  If we'll praise the Lord those giants will be weakened and rendered powerless because our eyes will be on our Saviour and His finished victory on the cross. Praise defeats the enemy. Kick the 'd' out!

When we experience times of pain or sickness or disease Jesus is our Saviour in those moments too. He tells us He is our Healer both of broken hearts and broken bodies, that He is the restorer of our souls. Let's turn to Him by faith and respond with thanking Him for 'saving' us from these things too and believe for His healing and restoration.

What about those moments when the bills may be coming in or we have unexpected things to pay for? Jesus is our Saviour, the God who is more than enough, and we can look to Him to provide for these things. He is our Source of supply, He is our Saviour from all things that oppress us.

Whatever happens let's respond like Mary and rejoice in God our Moment by Moment  Saviour.

Here's a couple of praise song to help:

Have a blessed weekend.😊

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