Luke 5:4 When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."
This blog has been going for nine months now and in that time the Lord has given me well over 160 blogs to write so a very big thank you to anyone who has ever taken the time to read it and I hope it has been a blessing to you.
Sometimes I've written things then lost sleep over them! Other times I've wrestled with what God wanted to say and probably many times I've not got it quite how He wanted it but He does say He uses the weak and foolish things in this life so I qualify! I take heart from that. We don't have to be perfect, we just need to be willing and obedient.
Why am I recounting all that? Because I want to encourage anyone else out there to launch out into the deep and allow God to bless the work of your hands. Whoever you are, God can and does want to use you for His glory. He has qualified you because of Jesus. You are qualified!
It could be in any area of your life but God does want to use you. Perhaps you've had an idea pop in your head, if so don't just dismiss it. Pray about it and ask Him if it's a God idea or just a good idea!
I've said it before but it bears repeating, take the first step and see where it leads.
Peter's boat was in the shallow water when Jesus preached from it and when He finished He said to Peter to launch out into the deep. If Peter had stayed in the shallows he would never have had the boat sinking load of fish. Jesus proved to Peter that if he allowed Jesus to use what he had then it would be blessed and multiplied but he had to move out of the shallows. He had to do something! He tool the first step, he pulled up anchor!
It's time for us all to move out of the shallows and launch out into the deep whatever that might mean for you. It might mean taking on new responsibilities. Maybe you're growing in the gifts of the spirit and have lacked the courage to speak to someone about it. Maybe you've been given a new opportunity and don't know whether to take it. He has a purpose for each one of us, no-one is left out, but He does ask you to trust Him and do as He says. Whatever it is, you can know Jesus is still in the boat with you as you launch out.
I can imagine Jesus leaning over the side of the boat helping Peter and the others to haul in the net which was at breaking point because Peter only let down one net instead of two because he wasn't convinced that Jesus was right about relaunching! Peter only did half of what Jesus said but he did launch out and Jesus blessed him overwhelmingly!
Jesus is always right and if He has given you the inspiration, the instruction or just an idea then don't ignore it, pursue it and see where it leads.
Launch out! Be blessed!
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