Mark 7:37 And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, 'He has done all things well...(Nkjv)
Mark 7:37 They were completely amazed and said again and again, "Everything he does is wonderful... (Nlt)
Mark 6:51...And they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure, and marvelled. (Nkjv).
The people who lived, walked and talked with Jesus were constantly astonished and completely amazed by Him. I love the comment "Everything He does is wonderful, He has done all things well."
Do we sometimes forget to be astonished and amazed by Jesus? Do we maybe even have the wrong picture of Him in our heads left over from Sunday School days? 'Gentle Jesus, meek and mild'? That picture is only part of who He is. He calmed roaring seas just by speaking a word, showed his holy anger as He overturned the tables in the temple. We see Him at the well, tired out and hungry yet still willing to minister to the one woman He'd travelled miles out of His way to see. Whoever is reading this right now, you are the one He is wanting to minister to today. Will you let Him? What is it you need Jesus to do for you? Didn't He constantly ask people '"What would you like me to do for you?"
If we take the time to read the above verses and their contexts they show us He did, and said so much, that everyone was flabbergasted. When was the last time you stopped and allowed yourself to be flabbergasted, amazed and astonished by Jesus, by His power, His wisdom, His compassion and understanding? To be amazed at His goodness and kindness, His incredible courage and strength to endure the cross? To be overwhelmed by the love He has for us as He bore every sin, failure and mistake we've ever made so we can be forgiven, healed, restored and reconciled with His Father? There is no hero in heaven or earth can hold a candle to Him!
He's exactly the same Jesus today as He was then. He still does everything well, everything He still does is wonderful in our lives and the lives of others. He still heals blind eyes, heals deaf ears, makes the mute, and those who stutter, to speak clearly. He still heals all our diseases, He still casts out demons.
Nothing has changed, so we can still be 'amazed beyond measure' with the One who created all things but has your name engraved on the palm of His hand.
Can you take some time out today and just be astonished once again with your Saviour Jesus?
Lord we praise you afresh for Jesus.
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