1 Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.
Some cares we have are small, some are big, some we carry for ourselves and some we carry for others but whatever size or reason for them God wants to take them all. He never designed us to carry our cares ourselves which is why He instructed us to pass them over to Him. That is easier said than done but it must be possible or He wouldn't have commanded it.
At the end of the day we show God we're either trusting Him or not by whether we cast our cares on Him or not. I once heard someone say the Lord had told him that when we worry about things it's like we've put a squeeze or choke hold on the pipe which flows from heaven and it hinders God from working out His purposes because we're not allowing Him to take control. When we give those worries to Him we do let God take control and then His power and blessings will be free to flow once again. When we worry God stands back but when we give them to Him then He will take over and show us what to do.
We can either rest or wrestle! We all know God wants us to enter into His rest but He doesn't force us.
The lovely thing is, we do have a Saviour, a Deliverer, a Worry Taker, you could say we have a 'Worry Deliverer', who only wants the best for us and He has all the answers to all our concerns whatever they are, if we'll trust Him.
So for the things we are worrying about today, we do have a choice. We can show God we're trusting Him by giving Him those worries and refusing to let the enemy bombard us with his thoughts, or we can bow to the enemy's tactics, be a worry wart and be miserable!
And when those worries keep coming back we can stand firm in faith and tell the enemy to go and see Jesus about them because we don't have them anymore, we gave them to Him and He 's taking care of them.
We all face the same challenge of being doers of the Word and not hearers only but we do have the Holy Spirit to help us and strengthen us. Thank You Lord.
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