Mark 8:5 Jesus asked. "how much bread do you have?" "Seven loaves", they replied. v.6...Then He took the seven loaves, thanked God for them, and broke them into pieces....v.7 A few small fish were found, too, so Jesus also blessed these... v.8 They ate as much as they wanted. Afterward the disciples picked up seven large baskets of leftover food.
There seems to be a spiritual principle at work here as it's a repeat performance of the feeding of the five thousand. When Jesus repeats Himself we need to pay attention.
All the disciples could see was the need, what Jesus could see was the supply!
He seems to be teaching His disciples to bring what they do have to God the Father, regardless of how inadequate it is for the problem, and to thank Him for what they have got. Then to go one step further and bless what they have, believing the Father will multiply it to be more than enough with leftovers.
I like to keep it simple so here goes: BRING, THANK GOD, BLESS, RECEIVE.
Not enough strength? Bring what you have to a loving Father. Don't bemoan your lack, thank Him for the strength you have, bless the strength you have and believe God to multiply it so you'll have more than enough.
Not enough finances for your needs or a project? Do the same thing. Bring your bank statement or wallet, what you do have and thank God for what you have got, bless it in the name of Jesus and believe God to multiply it supernaturally so you have more than enough with baskets of leftovers!
What about really practical things? Failing eyesight, hair falling out, need to remember better? Do the same thing. Thank You Lord for the hair I have got, the memory I do have, etc. I bless them Lord and believe You're increasing them to me every day.
Not enough wisdom, joy, peace, patience, understanding, whatever? Same thing. Whatever it is you don't have enough of, don't moan and complain, give thanks for what you have, bless it, don't curse it by moaning about it, but by faith believe you receive more of it from the Lord, more than enough. (Mark 11.24)
Our Heavenly Father gets no pleasure from listening to our moans and complaints but it delights His heart when we come to Him in faith, with thankful hearts, blessing Him for what we've already got and believing Him to supply what we need knowing He is a generous God who always gives us more than enough.
Thank You Lord!
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