Friday, 19 March 2021


Jeremiah 32:38-44 They will be my people and I will be their God. And I will give them one heart and one purpose; to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good for them...I will find joy doing good for them I will do all the good I have promised them.. For someday I will restore prosperity to them. I, the Lord, have spoken!

If you get a chance to read Jeremiah 32 there seem to be two main themes. One is the fact that nothing is impossible or too hard for God. (Jesus reminded us of that too.) The other theme is His heart to do His people good in the long term and to bring them prosperity.

We may look at our lives or circumstances and think they could never change but God reminds us here that nothing is too hard for Him.  We live in a world where the experts give us the cold facts and 'tell us how it is'. God has a different way of doing things.  He 'calls things that be not as though they were' (Romans 4:17) and He tells us to be imitators of Him so we can do the same.

Are you calling things the way they 'are', or are you calling things that 'are not' as though they were?

Faith calls for things that we can't see yet. Faith prepares for what it expects to happen. 

What are we expecting to happen? Are we expecting all the good God has promised us, the prosperity He has promised in all areas of our lives and preparing for it or are we expecting more of the same old? I believe God wants us to get out of the box of 'things will never change' and into the freedom of  'with God nothing is too hard or impossible'!  

There are times I sit in the box that says I don't want things to change and realise I've become too comfortable. Can you identify with that? If so maybe we need to go to the Lord afresh and ask Him to show us where we've settled for the 'good' instead of His 'best'' still to come.

Has He ever given you dreams or visions in the past of how you'd like things to be, in your personal life and in church life, but you've thought in line with cold facts. If so can I encourage you today to reread this chapter and let God inspire you with new hope, with His 'calling for those things that haven't yet appeared'?

NOTHING IS TOO HARD FOR GOD.  Start expecting Him to move and begin preparing for it to happen. Call for the good which is on it's way. Believe it and receive it by faith today.

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