Friday, 23 October 2020


Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. 

Just in case you might have forgotten, or you don't feel much like it, God wants to remind you today just how valuable you are to Him, how very precious you are and that you are His treasured possession.  

So no matter whether you think you might have messed up or not 'done enough' in your eyes, God says turn your eyes on Jesus because He has done it all for you.  Our performance may well not be perfect, but Jesus is perfect and we are so valuable to God that He has hidden us IN CHRIST. 

He loves us like He loves Jesus Himself which is an amazing thought.(John 17:23 and 26)

In these verses Matthew talks about us being more valuable than the birds, and God looks after them so well.  He is saying if God can look after the birds He can surely look after us and provide for us so there's no need for us to worry or be anxious about tomorrow, next year, or any year.  

God doesn't want us to be anxious about things.  When these verses were written, the Jews were under Roman dictatorship. They crucified them if they felt like it and Caesar who was a foreign king, had the power to do what he liked with them.  Despite all that, Jesus says to the people listening, don't be anxious, you are so valuable to God that you can rest and relax in the sure knowledge that He will take care of you. 

God is saying the same thing to us today if we're listening. 

"You are valuable to Me. Don't be anxious. I'm looking after every single thing that concerns you, now and in the future and if ever you're tempted to doubt that - consider the birds."

So the next time you see a bird - remember how valuable to God you are and how He's looking after you. 😊

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