Thursday, 15 October 2020


l Thessalonians 4:17 Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. v.18 So encourage each other with these words.

When was the last time somebody came up to you and said, 'Jesus is coming back to get us who are born again. We're going to be whooshing up together into the clouds to meet Him and it will be wonderful. It might even be today! Are you listening for the trumpet call, are you ready?'

The Holy Spirit commands us to encourage each other with the sure knowledge that it will happen and as the days go by you can sense the Lord's return may be sooner than we think.  Are we ready?

It's so easy to get 'caught up' with other things, going to work, caring for the home and family, going through our routines, watching the news!  

Perhaps today is a good time to look at what we are most caught up in and spend some time 'getting ready' for being 'caught up' in the air to meet Jesus because it's as sure as the new day dawning.

I think the Lord wants us to live with a sense of expectancy and excitement at the thought of His return, don't you?  Just the thought of being with Him forever should float our boat and give us a bubbling up joy in our spirits regardless of the rubbish that's happening around us.  What is happening in our material world is subject to change but what is happening in the spiritual world is guaranteed. 

I can guarantee you JESUS IS COMING BACK FOR US. 

Have you ever had someone you love move away for a long time and you haven't seen them in ages, then you hear they've booked their ticket home and they can't wait to see you? How would you feel? Our son lives in Australia and we haven't seen him in the flesh since 2014 so if he was to send me a message to say he'd booked his ticket home you can imagine how I'd feel. 😊  EXCITED!!

Now transfer something of that into our anticipation of the Lord Jesus, our Saviour, who has His ticket booked to meet us and He can't wait till He can take us home to our new home in Heaven,  how do you feel now? I hope it thrills your soul! We can get EXCITED ABOUT IT!  

Let's not get bogged down with the everyday and forget the coming day.  Are you ready?

Why not encourage someone today and stir up some excitement about our 'forever' with Jesus.  

And if you know you're not ready then I urge you to do it today.  Ask the Lord Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour and to forgive your sins so you will be ready for Him when he comes.

Whether we are going by the way of the grave or going by 'air lift' we are going to meet Jesus face to face! Hallelujah!

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