Wednesday, 7 October 2020


1 Thessalonians 5:18  in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

I read the true account of a man who was a Christian but who smoked heavily and couldn't give it up no matter how hard he tried. So he went to his pastor to ask for his advice and the pastor said "Will you do what I tell you?" So the man said yes he would.

The pastor said, "Every time you light up your cigarette I want you to say, Thank You Lord for delivering me from nicotine."  The man replied "But I'll still be smoking!".  The pastor said "I know it. Will you do what I said?" So the man replied he would and proceeded to obey.

So all through the day every time he lit up his cigarette he said "Thank You Lord for delivering me from this cigarette, thank You Lord for delivering me from nicotine. Thank You Lord it has no hold on me. Thank You Lord."

Now that was happening constantly, many times a day as he lit up. After three weeks, all through the day thanking the Lord for delivering him and setting him free, he suddenly found when he went to light up one day that he couldn't bring himself to smoke the cigarette.  He just didn't want it any more. The desire was gone, the addiction was gone.  His deliverance had manifested.  He no longer smokes.

Why am I recounting all this?   Because the Lord gave me the phrase in my spirit this morning "THE POWER OF THANK YOU" and reminded me of this story. 

Now you may not smoke but can I ask you, have you ever said "I can't seem to stop worrying?"  Do you get anxious about anything? Do you battle with fear?  Do you eat more than you know is healthy?  Do you struggle with sleeping at night?  Is there anything in your life you know has a repetitive hold on you? It might be drinking coffee, can't live without your mobile phone, looking at stuff you know is wrong?  Whatever it is there is good news.  

Start thanking God for delivering you from it, thank God it no longer has a hold on you (even if at the moment it does).  It is a principle of faith that we call things that are not, as though they were. Romans 4:17. 

Did you notice the man had to say Thank You LORD? He was making God the LORD of his situation, the MASTER of his situation.  I think that is so powerful, don't you?

When the Lord gives us a word He expects us to act on it, (be doers of the word not hearers only), so I'm going to apply this to my sleeping.

So in my case, I'm going to say all through the day and when I wake up in the night, "Thank you Lord for healing my sleep. thank you Lord I sleep soundly all night long, and praise you Lord in advance for delivering me from disturbed sleeping."

How about you?  Would you like to start releasing 'THE POWER OF THANK YOU LORD' in your life? 


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