Tuesday, 20 October 2020


2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Whenever we  recognise that we're straying into the 'fear' zone there is something we can do about it.

First thing is to know it didn't come from God, it came from the devil. 

Second thing is, we can know we're not obliged to receive it. In fact we are told to resist anything we know comes from the devil because scripture says 'Resist the devil and he will flee from you'. 

So obviously the third thing is to RESIST HIM! The good news is you don't need to resist him in your own power or strength because Paul goes on to say God has given us a spirit of power.

As you probably know power in that verse comes from the Greek word 'dunamis' which is where we get our word dynamite from. So I'm here to remind you, the power God has given to us by His Spirit, is the dynamite kind of power, miracle power and ability, 'I CAN DO' power!!! 

Start reminding yourself of that everyday. When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and declare out loud, by faith in the word of God, "God has put inside me His dynamite, miracle working power. He's put in me 'I can do' power. I resist fear in Jesus' mighty name. I take authority over it and  I tell it to flee from me."

Paul goes on to tell us God has also given us His Spirit of Love.  Let's go on then from the resisting part and start acknowledging that the Spirit of Love, in whom is no fear, is filling us up on the inside. "Thank You Father for filling me  with your wonderful Spirit of Love today so I don't need to be fearful about anything."

Last of all Paul explains that God has given us a Spirit of a Sound Mind, a Disciplined Mind that controls fear and tells it to go, and is able to acknowledge and receive the power and love God has put inside each and every one of us. Never listen to, or agree with the lie, that you're losing your mind. Resist that! That came from the devil. You have a Sound Mind!

No one is excluded or exempt from these wonderful gifts of God. How empowering is that! 

Go out in the dynamite power of God today, filled with His love and with a 'sound mind' not a fearful one.  Glory to God!

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