Wednesday, 14 October 2020


Psalm 78:41 Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. v.42 They did not remember His power...

I've just been reading about pilots during the war and something called CAVU which is an acronym for CEILING AND VISIBILITY UNLIMITED. 

They were flying with very basic instruments so looked for an unlimited ceiling in the sky above them and a visibility which was unlimited, in other words they needed to rise above the clouds to where they could see clearly where they were going.  

Just now there are quite a few 'clouds' about messing up our 'vision' and if we want to see and hear what God wants of us we are going to have to tune in our instruments, our spiritual ears and eyes, to hear and see what He is saying in His word.  The only way I know to do that is to prayerfully read His word to find out.

Do I, do you, have CAVU?  Do we as God's chosen people have ceiling and visibility unlimited over us today?  I know I've limited God with unbelief in my own life, maybe you recognise it in yours too? We are needing to rise up higher above what we can 'see' with our natural eyes  I know I really need that at the minute. What is God saying? What does He want us to be believing for?

Have we looked with our natural eyes at our circumstances and seen ourselves as limited. We can't do this, we can't do that because.... The children of Israel limited God with their unbelief and it's easy for us to do the same unless we fill our minds with God's promises until they are bigger than our circumstances

I have a challenge for each of us today but don't groan! I'm speaking to myself first!  

My challenge is for each one of us to go honestly before God and ask Him 'Where have I limited You Father in my thinking and believing Your promises? And please help me to recognise those areas, repent of them and rise above them until I see and believe what Your word says. Help me not to find reasons why not, but reasons why it can be because with You all things are possible, and with You I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  

When Jesus stood outside the tomb of Lazarus He found Mary and Martha had put limitations up. 'Get real Jesus - he's dead!' but He's not listening to them but to His Father, with His spiritual ears, and tells them He's giving them new grounds for believing. 

The wonderful thing about being with Jesus is that He knows no limitations and He brings resurrection wherever it's needed. HE IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE! What needs resurrecting in your life today, in your church, in your family?  Rather than bemoan our limitations let's ask Jesus to get involved and change our understanding and perspective until we too have no limits, no ceiling over us but an open heaven.  


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