Romans 3:27 (Nkjv)Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith.
When we stand on the edge of the seashore on a sunny day, we watch the tide gently rolling in and gently being sucked back out again across the shingles or the sand. We know for certain when it goes out it will come in again. It’s one of God’s laws of nature and we can totally depend on it.There are other laws that God has put in motion as well but they are spiritual laws which are just as rock solid, just as certain as the turning of the earth. The bible is a book of faith about God’s faith and man’s faith and what happens when we act in faith and that is what one of those laws is all about.
The Holy Spirit calls it the law of faith which tells us that in the New Covenant a person is not made right with God by his works but by faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus at the Cross. That’s a spiritual law God laid down and we can totally depend on it. He says we can’t receive anything from God by our own efforts or because we think we deserve it!
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that absolutely everything we’ll ever receive from God now is always by faith in what Jesus did for us. The enemy tempts us to think we can ask Him for something because we’ve been reading our bible or lived a good life so we think God owes it to us. But the law of faith says no, it’s only because Jesus has already bought and paid for everything we’ll ever need, with His blood.
Or maybe you want to ask the Lord for something but you feel you can’t because you think you’re not ‘good’ enough. Take heart, it’s not depending on you.🙂 So whenever we need anything from the Lord, whether it’s for forgiveness, or healing for ourselves or others, or for finances, or strength or restoring relationships, whatever it is, we can come with confidence because it’s not about us, it’s depending on the unshakeable law of faith in what Jesus has done.
The Holy Spirit is reminding us grace is all about the fact that although none of us deserve anything, and we can’t earn it, yet God in His goodness gives it to us because of His great love for us. It’s all about Jesus. What a wonderful truth that is.🙂
So Lord we come to You today, confident that the law of faith is working, to receive Your mercy and the grace we need today for …………………..(whatever it is). Thank You Lord we can ask big and know it’s already been bought and paid for by Jesus. Amen.
Photo by Chris Bulilan on Unsplash