Thursday, 5 October 2023


Psalm 121:2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

My friend had asked me to make another dinosaur for her grandson and I’ve just finished him, ready for posting. It reminded me of some people I’ve recently heard saying they’re made to feel like they’re a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to all the modern technology, especially by big companies.

Each generation has amazing skill sets to offer to each other so we don’t need to feel inadequate just because we maybe can’t do what our grandchild can do with a screen! A friend of mine was on the phone to her bank asking for help filling in computer forms. She said “I can’t do the computer things, but I can bake you a cake or sew you some curtains!” The Bank lady laughed and admitted she couldn’t bake a cake but would like to!

Yesterday we looked at how God has made us all unique and given us gifts and talents which equip us for our own lives so we don’t need to feel less than anyone else. He has given some people abilities that we don’t have and vice versa. It doesn’t mean they, or we, are any better or worse. You wouldn’t ask a brain surgeon to roof a house for instance but he is skilled in his own field. 

So be encouraged today, if you’ve been made to feel a bit of a dinosaur in some area, remember there are loads of things you can do, and we can ask the Lord for His wisdom and He will help us do whatever it is we have to do.  Either that or He’ll give us someone who can do it for us or show us how.

Moses was 80 years old when God called him to do something new and He taught him to perform miracles! We can choose to have inquiring minds and ask Him to help us learn new things, new skills, maybe even work miracles, regardless of  whether we’re younger or older! You’re not a dinosaur! You are a Spirit filled child of God. 😊

James 1:5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.


  1. Thank you for your insights. I have read many of them and they are always very wise and uplifting

    1. Thankyou for your encouragement. Good to know they help.😊
