Tuesday, 24 October 2023


Psalm 92:12 But the godly with flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon.

Apparently palm trees were designed by God to be able to bend right over in the wind almost 40 to 50 degrees and withstand 145 mph winds, without breaking. Then when the storm stops they literally bounce back up again, tall and strong once more. In fact, they are stronger and grow more rapidly after the storm than they did before it!

The Psalmist likens us, the godly, to palm trees because God designed us also with the ability to bounce back when we’ve been blown about by the storms of life. We’ve all experienced situations where we seem to feel like we’re all bent out of shape and bowed down! Well take heart because God says He’s placed inside us the Holy Spirit who will help us rise again.😊 (Proverbs 24:16 For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again….)

You see when God says He’ll help, strengthen us and uphold us, He’ll do exactly that. He’s giving us all we shall ever need to rise back up to be an overcomer, to be a testimony to others to know they’ll make it through and bounce back from whatever has happened or is happening to them too.

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all. God never ever leaves us in a pit, (Psalm 40:2). He’s promised to deliver us from every affliction, to have the strength and courage to face and overcome whatever our enemy is at the time, but with His ability not our own. That’s why He’s given us His own Holy Spirit with His supernatural power to live inside us. 

So if you’re bent over today, for whatever reason, know this - you are going to bounce back upright and stand strong and be stronger because of what you have been through.  It’s all about leaning and depending on the Holy Spirit inside us and His amazing power and grace. Bounce back is coming. Amen.

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