Thursday, 26 October 2023


Acts 12:1l (Nlt) Peter finally came to his senses. “It’s really true” he said. “The Lord has sent his angel and saved me from Herod and from what the Jewish leaders had planned to do to me!”

We may be able to identify with Peter sometimes when we’ve thought it was too late for us, thought our dreams had gone out the window, thought nothing could be done to resolve the situation and hope seemed lost? Peter was in that position, locked up in the inner prison, prepared to be executed the next morning, it looked like rescue was impossible, no one really expected him to get out, it was too late!

But God is never too late! And nothing is impossible for God to turn around, no matter how late in the proceedings it is! He sent an angel to get Peter out, to cause his chains to drop off, for locked doors to miraculously open, for the prison to be left behind, and all done by God intervening when the believers thought it was too late!

Acts 16:25-34 Paul and Silas were in prison, and around midnight, when everything can seem at its worst, we find them singing and praising God at the tops of their voices! Those praises caused God to send an earthquake, caused their whole situation to be shaken, and for them to be delivered safely out of their prison. Praise changes things! It has power!

I wonder if you feel like it’s a midnight hour for you, you’ve maybe lost hope of things ever being any different? It’s like you’re in a prison of some kind; perhaps it’s loneliness, addictions, financial difficulties, inadequate job, or have some sickness or disease? Whatever it is for you, God is saying it’s not too late. 

God is in the business of deliverance, healing and new beginnings and He has them all scheduled for each one of us when we need them, so never give up hope, start believing again.

Be encouraged God has not forgotten you or your dreams. If it needs an angel He’ll send you one in some form or another, and in the meantime release some praise that will shake things up and believe God to move in your life. 

It’s never too late for God. Never!😊