Saturday, 7 October 2023


John 8:36 (Nlt) So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.

If you leave the door open of a caged bird, it will fly out at the first chance it has because it wants to fly free again. Yesterday we looked at God getting us through our troubles in order to bring us to where He wants us to be. But our God wants more for us even than that.🙂 

Instead of us being left bruised and hurt by those experiences He wants us to get over them. He wants us to once again fly free of whatever upset or trauma we went through, over the loss, the illness, over the betrayal, the divorce, the burglary, the abuse or our own failures, over the fears, over whatever has messed us up. 

Psalm 18:29 For by You I can run against a troop. By my God I can leap over a wall. 

David says here, “By You - I can!” Maybe we all have had things that we’d like to be free from, free from guilt or the grief of some sort of loss or hurt. Whatever it is, we can say to God “By You - I can! With Your help I can get over the wall, over the memories, over the distresses. By You - I can!”

God never leaves us floundering around, He’s given us His own Spirit to live inside us to strengthen and enable us to get to the place where those things no longer have a hold over us. Jesus heals the broken-hearted, He sets the prisoners free. He’s destroyed that yoke and opened the door to our cage, and He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.

God is giving us the ‘leap’ over the wall that’s held us in and back, over the wall of hopelessness or disappointment. By Him…We Can! God is wanting to restore to us our joy, our peace, whatever the enemy stole, God wants to restore it to us.😊

God never intended us to be trapped in our past or for it to dictate our future. So if you’re in a place of having gone through something, maybe last week or forty years ago, and you haven’t got over it but you’d like to, start saying by faith to God “Lord I thank You for Your help. I believe By You - I can. I can get over it because You’re doing it in me. Jesus shed His blood to take all my sorrow away, to heal my heart, He has set me free from it. You’re enabling me to leap over that wall in Jesus Name and by Jesus I am set me free. Amen.”

Have a blessed weekend.x

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