Tuesday, 15 August 2023


Proverbs 4:20-23 My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

Do you ever chat to someone and know they’re not paying any attention? It’s going in one ear and out the other! God knows we can be like that when He says to pay attention to His Word. Can we ask ourselves what gets our attention? Is it how we feel, our circumstances, what others say, our symptoms, or a screen, rather than what God is saying? 

Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). God wants you to know there is more God in you than there is any disease, more God in you than there is fear, or insecurity or lack or pain God is greater, more powerful! Are we paying attention?

You may be facing a giant today, but God is greater than whatever it is, and He is in you! We can run to our giant like David did, not from it. He knew his covenant with God and he also knew Goliath was defenceless against him because Goliath had no covenant! That’s how we need to see whatever we’re facing that’s trying to intimidate us. 

God is saying pay attention and know it is defenceless against us and our God because we have a blood bought covenant with Almighty God through the Lord Jesus. He has already given us the victory now we can enforce it on whatever enemy is coming against us.

When a private nurse is called in to care for a critically ill patient she has to give him her full attention. She constantly watches for his vital signs. She has to pay close attention and that is the kind of attention referred to in these verses! It’s a command not a suggestion.

God even spells it out for us. He says don’t lose sight of My words (keep reading them), listen carefully to it (keep hearing it), allow it to sink down into your hearts and it will bring life and healing to your bodies. He even tells us why - it’s worth it, it brings huge rewards.

So let’s pay close attention to His Word because God has told us to. Amen.😊

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