Monday, 28 August 2023


Psalm 23: 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

I have Good News today because today is another gift from God, another day when we can know we have a Heavenly Father to care for us because we belong to Him, and He is for us and not against us. As long as we’re breathing we’ve got a reason to praise the Lord. Isn’t that a great way to start the week?😊

It’s a day where His goodness and mercy are not just following us, but the original says they’re chasing us down and overtaking us. That has to be good! It means whatever the enemy had planned, God’s goodness and mercy will overwhelm it and turn it round for our good as we take His words by faith.

Psalm 139:5-6 You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand. Can you just imagine standing in front of God for a minute and see Him reaching His hand out, putting it on your head and blessing you, because that’s what He is doing.

God has gone ahead of us into our day, our week, and blessed us. Part of ‘Blessing’ means to speak well of somebody and how encouraging to know that our God is speaking well of us. We can go out with Godly confidence to face the world knowing their opinion of us doesn’t need to affect us because we already know God speaks well of us.😊

So even if we have some challenges to work through this week, remember we have God’s favour surrounding us like a shield (Psalm 5:12), and that His truth is our shield and buckler encircling and protecting us,(Psalm 91:4) and we can lay hold of those truths and promises before we begin each day.

We can go out knowing we are children of the Most High God, and our name is not only written on the palm of His hand, but also written in the Lamb’s Book of Life because of Jesus, and He loves us beyond measure so we can trust Him. 

On the strength of all that I pray you go out with joy and have a truly blessed week. In Jesus Name Amen.😊

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