Wednesday, 16 August 2023


Jeremiah 1:12 (Amp Classic) Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it. 

Chris has been out blackberry picking and our freezer is filling up fast. They’re particularly big and sweet and I’ve even made some blackberry jam so bring on the scones and cream!😊

The thing about blackberries is you have to pick them while they’re fresh. If you leave them on the bush too long they go mushy and the bugs get them. It was the same with the Israelites who had to pick up the manna each day, they had to get it while it was fresh. It’s like that with the Word of God.

Jesus said we too need to have the Word of God, a fresh word from Him, for each day. If we leave it for a day or two then it will be stale and not appropriate to that day anymore. God wants us to receive the fruit of His Word fresh every day when it’s at its most meaningful for that moment. It might be critical, either for ourselves or for someone else.

Matthew 4:4 But Jesus answered and said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. The word ‘live’ in that verse means revive, keep alive, nourish up, preserve alive, recover, repair, restore to life, be whole. Would you like some of that? I know I would and it all comes through God’s word.😊

We need to realise the Words we receive are not always just for us. There could be big issues hanging in the balance and God is looking for people who will be His channels for that day to bring about His purposes. His word on any given day might be to keep you or someone else alive and nourished up, or to recover you or them, and make you or them whole.  The Word He gives you may encourage and make a world of difference not only to you, but to someone else as well! Or it could also be a word of warning to protect us.

So be encouraged today to pick up His word and receive your fresh fruit for the day and then share it with someone else, encourage them to do the same, and it will have a snowball effect, growing as it goes. I like that idea don’t you? Or feel free to share the Blogs and pass them on, make them into snowballs of God’s Word too!😊 
Be nourished up today as you receive His fresh Word.x


  1. Hi, my friend sent me your link. Just to encourage you I am speaking at a meeting tonight about The One Word-Jesus! Thanks for sharing

  2. Thanks for your encouragement. I pray God’s blessing as you speak that it will be a Rhema, life giving word from Him to many.😊
