Tuesday, 30 May 2023


John 6:9 There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?

Apostle John is the only one to record the little boy’s part in the story of the feeding of the five thousand, because they only counted the men but not the women or the children. They didn’t think they were worth counting!

But God thinks so differently because the very one that wasn’t counted by men that day was the very one who Jesus did count. It was the child who had the pack lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish! His mum would have packed it up for him and sent him off not realising what an important thing it was - the beginning of a great miracle. Or maybe his mum was actually there with him, but neither of them was counted - but Jesus did. He counted them as absolutely necessary that day because they made the difference in the lives of thousands of other people!

Listen, no matter how insignificant we think we are or how mundane our jobs are each day, or how boring our tasks may seem in our routines, when we commit them to Him, God can use them and turn them into something significant.  Never discount yourself because God uses and counts those who others have discounted, and He can turn the ordinariness of our lives into the extraordinary!😊

We know the little boy’s lunch was not enough in itself. It couldn’t feed 5,000 men, plus women and children but Jesus was showing us a principle. If we give God our ‘not enough’ and thank Him for our ‘not enough’, He can turn it into ‘more than enough’.

He shows us the way to combat the ‘not enoughs’ in any area of our lives. “My health is not enough right now, but thank You Lord for the health I do have. My money may not be enough this month, but thank You for the money I do have. My marriage is not what it should be but thank You Lord for my spouse and my marriage. My kids are causing me worry Lord but thank You for them and I know You will turn them around.”

I’m sure we get the idea, and we can be greatly encouraged today, whatever we have to do, knowing God counts each one of us as important to Him and if we bring Him our ‘not enough’, thank Him for it, and ask Him to  bless it He can use it to bring mighty blessings of ‘more than enough’ to ourselves and others too.😊

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