Monday, 8 May 2023


John 29:19 That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said.

Can you imagine being one of those disciples that night and how one of them would have checked all the doors were locked for fear of who might come to get them? There would have been tension in the room, all wondering what to do in a seemingly impossible, distressing situation.

We’ve probably all felt like that, where the doors we want to be open are locked for some reason, maybe because of fear, or ill health, or maybe because others have stopped us from stepping out into what we want to do.  All we can see is the locked doors.

We can all take heart from what happened next because Jesus wasn’t stopped by locked doors, no matter who locked them or why. He just was there, standing there among them all! Jesus still does that today, whatever our impossible situation, whatever our fearful circumstance might be Jesus is right here with us, in the middle of it with us and His first words are so reassuring “Peace be with you.”

As soon as Jesus appeared and said that, they knew everything was going to be all right because they knew who Jesus was and how powerful He was. Once they overcame their shock the passage goes on to say they were overjoyed.  All the fear left, the anxiety of what to do next left, in fact, all that mattered was  Jesus was right there with them.

So as we begin another new week, let’s hold that thought in the forefront of our minds that we know who Jesus is, and that He is actually here with each one of us wherever we are, and He’s still saying to us “Peace be with you”. Let Him lead us out through whatever locked doors we’re dealing with as He makes a way where we thought there was none.

Have a blessed week.😊

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