Wednesday, 16 February 2022


Psalm 65:11 You crown the year with Your goodness and Your paths drip with abundance. (Nkjv)

Yesterday we saw how God has crowned us personally with His loving kindness and tender mercies which was wonderful. Today we're looking at the fact that He has also crowned our coming year with His goodness which means He 'encircles' it with His goodness. It just gets better and better don't you think but we have to receive it by believing it by faith.

We can be tempted to say "Well, I'm surrounded by doom and gloom so it's probably not for me. I never get any good breaks..." But God doesn't want our thinking to be like that and it's not me saying it, it's the psalmist by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which makes all the difference. God wants us to walk in, and into, His goodness this year, not off in the dim and distant somewhere. He wants us to believe Him for it now.

I know the economy shouts rising prices etc. but God tells us His paths drip with abundance whether it's in finances or relationships or wisdom, or joy, whatever. I believe it's in all areas of our lives.  Now you and I have to choose who we're going to believe and whose path to follow; the paths of God or the paths of the world. I know which I choose, how about you? 

Let's have a great expectation of God's goodness encircling us, and our paths dripping with His abundance. Let's 'see it' in our spirits, and believe Him for it and please Him with our declaration of faith.😊 Amen.

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