Tuesday, 22 February 2022


Acts 2:21 And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

A few days ago I pulled my back very severely and haven't been able to sit down without excruciating pain so have been forced to lie down. I'm making progress but instead of just groaning when it catches me and it takes my breath away, I've decided to do what scripture says to do - I'm calling on the name of Jesus.

If the pain shrieks I shout out 'Jesus! Jesus! You're my Deliverer. I'm calling on Your name.' Every time I move and it hits I cry out Jesus! What am I doing? I'm believing Jesus is my Deliverer and calling on Him to deliver me! Scripture tells us Jesus has already born our pain in His own body on the cross (Isaiah 53) so satan has no legal right to put his pain on us, whether it's physical or mental anguish.  Scripture says to submit to God and resist the devil, so I'm resisting him. This affliction has to go because I know Jesus has already paid the price for it.

Can I encourage you today, no matter what the enemy is trying to put on you, whether it's pain, sickness, disease, fear, panic attacks, depression, lack of finances, - whatever form it takes - to call on the name of Jesus, every two seconds if you need to! We have a Deliverer, a Redeemer, a Saviour, a Healer and His name is Jesus. 

Scripture says to Call on the name of the Lord and be saved which is not a one time experience. It's moment by moment when we need His saving, His deliverance, His healing, His rescuing, but we have to do the calling! 

I had to walk to the village yesterday and all the way there I kept saying  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so I can do this. Thank You Lord You're helping me and strengthening me and my back. I can do this with You Lord. You've made me an overcomer."  It wasn't easy and it took a while but we did it, glory to His name.

Keep calling out to Jesus today. He's there for you.

Psalm 50:15 Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me.

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