Wednesday, 23 February 2022


Galations 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

There's a famous line in an old movie where the old Indian chief speaks and says in a deep voice, "we endeavour to persevere." It's become a bit of a standing joke in our house if ever we feel like giving up on something. We just say instead, 'we'll endeavour to persevere!"

There are times in our Christian walk which are challenging and it's at those times we have to encourage ourselves and each other in the Lord, and 'endeavour to persevere' knowing the Holy Spirit is helping and strengthening us from the inside.  The enemy may come and try to put pressure on us to give up on whatever promise we're standing on, but the good news is the Holy Spirit is available to us 24/7 to withstand him, and push through in faith, knowing God's promises will never fail us. 

In 2 Peter 1:6 the Apostle Peter tells us to add 'perseverance' to our faith because he knew we'd need it at some point.

Today's promise is so encouraging to us all, because it lets us know there's always hope, that there's always a 'due season' and there is a reward we'll reap if we'll just hang in there and not give up and not lose heart. 

So no matter how things may look or feel let me encourage you to keep going, keep reading God's word, keep looking to Jesus and praising Him for the victory before you see it, and keep believing His promises and know your due season is on it's way.😊

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