Wednesday, 2 February 2022


Psalm 2:5 I lay down and slept, yet I woke up in safety, for the Lord was watching over me.

 I don't know if this will help anyone else but I find doing the following helps me.

When I wake early in the night around 4 a.m. I find it hard sometimes to go back to sleep and if that happens I know I'll be tired out the next day. It's when I find it hardest to turn my mind off as all the concerns of the day come flooding in to try to make me anxious. For me it's one of the strongholds that needs to be broken. 

So last night instead of lying there fretting, I did this over and over again. As I breathed in, I said in my head, "God's love in", and as I breathed out I said "God's love out". Then I went on to "God's peace in" as I breathed in, and "God's peace out" as I breathed out, then "God's joy in" as I breathed in and "God's joy out"  as I breathed out. 

Forgive me if that sounds too simple to you but all I know is that as I stuck with it and concentrated on seeing His love, joy and peace flowing into me and then seeing it flowing out to others as I'll need it, eventually I found peace and went back to a sound sleep.

It helps too to remember our verse that the Lord is watching over us and as we fill our minds with His love for us, His peace and His joy all being poured into us, it crowds out all the other anxious thoughts. Just see His loving arms enfolding you, His great peace filling your soul and mind, and His joy beginning to bubble up on the inside. Be blessed.

Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.

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